2012, Bring It On!
2011 has been a fantastic year for me. I have found new hobbies, started hiking, gotten addicted, started running, gotten addicted, set goals, and achieved almost all of them. Even though I'm not running the PFChang's Rock and Roll Half Marathon in 2012, I'm still setting a goal of running at least one this year. I can't wait to be healed from this knee injury so I can run again! Until then, I am setting goals.My New Year's resolution last year was to become a more active person. I have definitely been successful!
I am not going to just set one resolution this year, because there is so much that I want to do! I don't feel like I have to go at it with an "overhaul myself" state of mind, either, since being active, for me, is a way of life now. I don't know how I was so sedentary before! I have never felt better! (Being good to my body by not drinking, not smoking, and eating pretty darn well also helps :-) ). I have gone from drinking at least 1, if not 2 or 3 diet sodas per day and about 1 small bottle of water, to feeling dehrdrated if I haven't had at least a 1 liter Smart Water halfway through my day. I'm overall better and nicer to myself than I ever have been, and definitely want to keep it up.So, here are some of my goals for 2012:1. Run a half marathon. 13.1 miles under my belt, and a medal to show for it! God willing, injuries mended, I will do it! One that I am planning on running for sure is:
2. Run a 5K in 25 minutes or less. I think that this is possible, if I can stay healthy.3. Run as many 5K's and 10K's as I can. I have so much fun at races! I want to do as many short, fun races as I can this year.4. Keep up on my running scrapbook. I am making a scrapbook with my race bibs and medals, etc from all of the races I have ever done. I will take some pics and make a blog post about it when I get more of it done.5. Expand on my cooking skills. Ask my husband about my cooking.....actually don't. Please, lol! I tend to cook on the healthy side; sometimes to the extreme. I follow recipes, and substitute ingredients to make things more healthy. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't! Cameron isn't always a huge fan of my cooking, so I would like to work on it this year. Making meals that are good for us, and also, don't remind us of cardboard. I am open for suggestions, so shoot them my way!6. Walk Ali more. Since I've been hiking mountains and running much longer distances, I haven't been able to take Tater Tot with me, because I know she'll be done after a mile or less. I've started getting her right after my runs and taking her on a walk around the block as a cool down. I want to start doing this more, because it is good for her, and I love her :-).So these are my goals! What are some of your goals for 2012? Leave me a comment below, or Facebook me!