Fruit is the Answer

I have started buying more fruit since I became a Costco member. Fruit has become a staple in my daily healthy snacking. It is so good! So today after my nap, (I ran with a group of amazing women this morning at 7:30am after getting a crappy night's sleep, so a nap was a must :-)) I had a veggie souffle thing from Costco for lunch, and this beautiful plate of fruit for my snack:
Uploaded from the Photobucket Android Appbr>Pineapple and banana together is such a great combo! Clementines are awesome, too, because they're easy to peel and eat; unlike oranges. I can't stand the bitter stuff between the peel and the fruit. Is anyone else that picky? Ali thinks clementines are awesome, too:
Uploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android App
What'd you do for fun or exercise this weekend? What kind of healthy stuff have you been snacking on?Happy Trails!


Planning My First Half-Marathon Again


Happy Friday!