Training with Tater

I signed Ali and I up for the Walk Run Wag 5K9 1 mile walk on March 4th! So we have started training together Smile. We did 0.25 miles yesterday, and 0.5 miles today. I was so proud of my Pumpkin! She was super excited when I asked her if she wanted to go on a walk! She helped me find the door.

And we’re off!

Ali is fascinated by plants. I don’t know what it is, but she could sniff different things for hours while making it 0.05 miles down the road.

After having a little talk about the importance of “walking” while on a walk, we were on our way again.

She does better walking off her leash. She believes having a leash controlling her every move is SO for dogs, and not for her. Since she is human, you know?

"”Mommy, just in case you forgot, my treats are in here. Since you just drug me around the neighborhood and wouldn’t let me sniff plants and rocks, I think I deserve one!”

“I’ll even be polite until you tell me I can eat it!”

“I love you, Mommy! More walks, please! They make me happy!”

And tired! Off to happy puppy chasing squirrels dreamland Smile

Happy Trails!


Long Time No Blog!


How much can I cram into a Saturday?