Tater Tot Takeover

Mommy is trying to sleep right now, so I “borrowed” her computer again Open-mouthed smile.

This is me earlier enjoying Daddy’s dirty work clothes. I think he got the point when I laid down on his pair of dirty socks, so now he always puts his clothes down for me to lay on. Good human.

I like to lay all over the house all day long. I’ll lay anywhere, especially in the sun. I always have to make sure I know what’s going on in that room where the food comes from. If something falls on the floor, well, Mommy and Daddy will need my assistance.

This is me helping Mommy clean the house last week:

Mommy loves using that moving thing to clean the house. She says she works very hard to clean the floors with it.

This is me looking at Mommy like she is crazy. Well, she kind of is when she gets up at 4am to go places dressed in running clothes in the dark. Weird human. All she has to do is take me on a walk! Then we’ll both get our exercise, right?

Are you taking your dog on a walk today?

Pugs and Kisses!



What training Week are we on now??


What’s for Dinner Wednesday!