Tater Tot Takeover

This is Ali, and I’m “borrowing” Mommy’s computer again so I can tell you about how much fun I had on Sunday!

Mommy took me with her to get some new shoes so she can run on the mountain. I got to meet Auntie Melissa and Uncle Joe at the shoe store. They smelled like another doggie I met before….I think it was at the WalkRunWag 5K9. He was tall, and his name was Apollo. He walked faster than me….I think he might have even been running. Crazy canine. Mommy carried me and put me in a wagon with my new pug friends when I got tired. I was a princess for a day! Wait….I’m a princess everyday!!

After the shoe store, we went on a ride so Mommy could get some brown stuff in a cup. She really likes that stuff. She drinks it all of the time. I think it looks yucky. I like my water in my water jug at home.

Then, Mommy took me to a place called Home Depot to look at stuff. Daddy was there, too!

I got to ride on a cart through the store, it was so fun!

I had a very fun day, so I was tired on the way home.

Well, I better put Mommy’s computer back before she finds out I borrowed it and hijacked her blog again.

Pugs and Kisses!



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