Memorial Day Muffin-Fest!!

I ended up making two batches of muffins last night, and they both turned out fabulous!!! I adapted a recipe from Butter Baking called Healthy Apple, Yogurt, and Oat Breakfast Muffins. The cool thing about this recipe is that you can change whatever fruit you use, and add any nut you prefer to it and it will turn out great! I love the kind of recipes that are like a base that allow you to make little changes that turn them into a completely different recipe!I decided to add cinnamon chips to the original recipe, and substitute out a few ingredients for even healthier ones. It turned out to be super simple and quick.In the second batch, I used fresh apricots, dried blueberries and walnuts. It took a little bit longer for this batch to bake for some reason. They turned out even more tasty than the first batch! I'll let you guys decide which ones you like the best ;-).I’ll post both recipes on here, starting today with the Apple Raisin Cinnamon Chip Healthy Breakfast (or anytime!) muffins. I hope you guys like them!! [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:3]Stay tuned for Apricot Blueberry Walnut Healthy Breakfast Muffins coming this weekend!Have a great Memorial Day weekend, be safe, get a sober driver, wear your sunscreen, (yes Mom! lol) and have so much fun!‘Til next time….Happy Trails!Stacey 


More Muffins! Apricot Blueberry Walnut Breakfast Muffins


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