Baby It's Cold Outside
Frank decided today would be a great day to hang out in the front yard and talk to the penguin.
I think he's insane. It was somewhere in the 30's when I got up to take Tater out this morning. My peeps back in the 'Ville area are dealing with a major winter storm, though, and the roads are apparently getting really nasty. Be careful everyone at home!!
Here are some pics my Mom and Dad sent from New Albany. I miss the snow so much!! Not the ice, though, just the snow ;-).
I just finished up my latest crafty project. I did these mason jars just like I did my spices-I painted the lids with chalkboard paint, and wrote on them with paint pens.
I need to learn to start tolerating more of a mess in my kitchen when I'm baking. I'm that girl that spills some flour on the counter, and feels an immediate need to clean it up! These jars should help with the spillage that keeping the flour in bags causes, and make the flour easier to get to. Plus, they're pretty! Right!?
I want to make some homemade dog treats for Christmas this year. I've been saying that for the past few years, but it's happening this time. I even have bone-shaped cookie cutters! Plus, I won't eat them like I'll eat human cookies! It's a win-win for Miss Ali and I :-).
I found one of my favorite quotes on my friend Katie's Instagram yesterday:
I also saw this one and completely agree with it. It applies to a lot of situations IMO:
I love Pinterest....
I also found this old pic from last year's Hot Chocolate 15K. What a fun race! Good luck to all of my friends running it this Sunday!! Have fun and eat some chocolate for me!